10 Ways a Mastermind Group can Propel your Business to the Next Level

This will be a year of changes and shifts for me, my friend! It’s a time to clarify my focus and multiply my impact.

One significant transformation: my mindset around mastermind groups. I think about my own remarkable mastermind (that I have been facilitating since 2015), the groups I’m proud to be a member of now, and even back to the ones I’ve learned so much from in the past.

I just spent 3 full days in Arizona with my Coach and Mastermind group. My heart and mind is full. I now have a much deeper knowledge of what my women feel like after they leave my house for our 2 day live events. I will be sharing more stories about this past week over the next few blogs….so come back often!!

The Beauty Of A Mastermind

Diane's Arizona Mastermind group near the top of a mountain

I think about the power and significance of stepping into a new place together, through the beauty of a mastermind.  This photo is from the mastermind that I am a member of and our hike up to a mountaintop in Arizona. April 2022.

Napoleon Hill said the following about the mastermind group principle in “Think and Grow Rich”: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He continues, “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].

So, just how can a mastermind help you?

Masterminds Help Through:

Let me share a few of my favorite ways:

  1. Community  The power of the group creates something more significant than itself. According to the Stanford Social Innovation Review, “Members of a community have a sense of trust, belonging, safety, and caring for each other. They have an individual and collective sense that they can, as part of that community, influence their environments and each other”. Yes. Community is the crucial foundation of a mastermind and the core of my Inspired Business Inner Circle!

  2. Training We all need continuing education; to invest in ourselves, both professionally and personally. Participating in a mastermind can help keep you focused on your next goal/plan/dream/project ~ and then get feedback from your coach and other trusted women in your circle. This will keep you moving forward, my friend!

  3. Connection  Emotional support is vital! As an entrepreneur, our family or even friends might not fully understand what we do or why we do it ~ and we feel alone in our endeavors. We need that lifeline support from our community who “gets us” and “gets it” as we move forward with our weekly and monthly goals. We especially need the support of other Godly women who understand us, who understand the entrepreneurial journey we’re on together! It’s a unique – and, let’s be honest – sometimes push-you-to-the-point-of-quitting, frustrating path we’re walking, my friend!

  4. Coaching Just the right push ~ on the right day ~ from people who love us and can get us out the door ~ one step at a time. We all need a coach. Even coaches need coaches! Especially one with red pom-poms, who will lovingly call you out on your stuff!

  5. Consistency Business success is built on consistent behavior and actions. It is not about a “magic pill” or “get-rich-quick” program. It is about one day at a time, step-by-step, forward movements that build upon each other. Deciding to take action ~ and then doing it every.single.day.

  6. Accountability  We need accountability, my friend. Being accountable to your peers and your coach is a powerful and valuable process. To be held to what we say we will do (in the most loving of ways, of course!) will help you grow in confidence for your business, and it will transform your life.

  7. Hotseats  Each group has laser-focused hotseats for immediate, tangible results and breakthroughs. The hotseat experience is so good! We will all focus on you and your business topic or challenge, and you will walk away with much-needed answers, ideas and solutions.

  8. Sisterhood  As Christian women entrepreneurs, we need the sisterhood support that naturally comes from meeting with a group of like-minded women. In a mastermind, there is no judgment, competition, or backstabbing. Instead, we need that love, encouragement, and combined resources that our community brings. We need each other. Our very own business sisterhood.

  9. Inspiration  One of the best things about a mastermind group process is the inspired ideas constantly swirling around and then shared within the inner circles and exclusive meetings. Then, we help each other take the ideas, sift them out, and turn them into actionable plans, turning your dreams and visions into your reality!

  10. The God Factor  Without God, we wouldn’t have our businesses. Can I get an amen?! In our mastermind groups, we know that God is a part of every conversation, training, and blitz session. We open and close our sessions with prayer. Why? Because we recognize that He is our CEO and business partner. He will provide the missing links that we cannot, and we are grateful for our God-given gifts to start, scale, and support the businesses He has given us. 
Collage of Inspired Business Inner Circle Members - Diane's Mastermind

I would love to support you as you grow and scale your dream business! 

Would you like to learn more about my mastermind group, the Braver Together Mastermind?

Click here to get all the details!! http://www.DianeCunningham.com/mastermind

I would be honored to welcome you after a conversation to see if you are a right fit!! Fill out the application form and let’s talk. NOTE: The investment is going up to the new level on May 5th…..so now is the exact right time. Today is a great day to take the next step.

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