new mindset to new results, sticky notes, lightbulb, diane cunningham

3 Tiny Habits To Build a Growth Mindset

What are your thoughts on mindset?

What Is Mindset?

In the worlds of psychology and business, you’ll often hear the terms ‘growth mindset’ and ‘fixed mindset’. Mindset = the learned attitudes you’ve adopted over time; so a GROWTH mindset is the attitude that you can always change for the better – but a FIXED mindset means you believe that you’re stuck with your natural skills without any room for improvement (don’t believe that lie, sister!). 

Every single person on earth has one of these mindsets – but the best news of all is that if you’re stuck in a fixed mindset, you CAN make changes to shift into a growth mindset. Can I get an amen?!

One way to make that shift is to add tiny habits into your routine. I did this when I did 75 Hard. Read about it on the blog! Complete these habits enough times and a good habit forms.. THEN you shift your mindset. Good things, friends!

Growth Mindset

New habits with 75Hard

Why do you want to achieve a growth mindset? Quite simply, because the world opens up A LOT more options when you’re eager to grow. I don’t know about you, but I sure want A LOT more options!

Growth mindset means you can learn new things; you can change your life; you can create a more positive outlook on life which can .. and will..  lead to new opportunities!

Maybe you’re not quite where you’d like to be in your entrepreneurial journey? We’ve all been there, my friend! How’s your mindset around that … fixed or growth? Complainers are usually hung up in a fixed mindset. They think they’re stuck… in the beginning… in the middle… or maybe they just feel that they won’t ever get there. If they (or we!) were in a GROWTH mindset, they would start by taking daily steps (hint: HABIT CHANGES), taking action to learn new things, and reaching out to new people – and maybe even hiring a coach to help them get started!

What Are Tiny Habits?

Let’s talk about those small habits that you move into your daily life, helping you shift into a more positive growth mindset. A tiny habit might be reading the Bible, a devotional, or a self-help book every night for 15 minutes. Reading not only improves your vocabulary and expands your knowledge, but you can put the advice to work in your life immediately! The process of reading, learning, and implementing this advice will eventually shift your mindset toward growth when you see positive changes occurring.

Three Tiny Habits

Here are three tiny habits that can help you shift your mindset:

1. Spend 5 minutes a day visualizing your next goals and steps. (YES!!) Don’t think of your business as a big picture all at once (that might be a little overwhelming at first!) – instead, break the path down into smaller steps. When you’re ready to start a business, think of what you need to accomplish first before quitting your day job. Dream, play, write it down. Journal. Pray. Always pray, friend!

2. Recap your accomplishments at the end of the day. Focusing on the POSITIVE results of your work day allows you to leave on a positive note. Avoid dwelling on what wasn’t finished; simply put those tasks onto a new to-do list and save them for the next day. It’s ok to start again tomorrow. Knowing what’s on task for the next day also allows you to start the day mentally prepared – and who doesn’t want that?!

3. Be grateful – always! Take just a few minutes to meditate, pray, or journal about your gratitude. When you recognize all that’s good in your life, your daily attitude will naturally become more optimistic. Acknowledging gratitude has also shown to lower blood pressure and stress levels.

You don’t need dozens of tiny habits to shift your mindset. Friend, just choose one or two to start and bring them into your daily life. Every day. 

Soon you won’t even remember life without those habits – and you can always add more! 

Are you ready to break free of your old habits? Take care of these mindset shifts first…

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