3 Tips for Handling Rejection Professionally

3 Tips for Handling Rejection – Professionally… Not Personally!

Does this scenario sound familiar? Your website got a snazzy, professional makeover, your products and services are all spiffed up and ready to sell, and you open your coaching doors – and now you’re just waiting for that first client to find you.

You’ll have some sales, some inquiries about coaching, and some sign-ups to your email list. ~ But then you’ll get feedback from people who just won’t take that next step to hire you as a coach. Or maybe the sales of your products will slow down to barely a trickle. You’ll get LOTS of reasons why folks don’t sign on (trust me – I’ve heard ‘em all, sister!). It’s hard not to take that rejection personally, right? This business is our BABY! How could they not want to be part of it?

Remember that they are not rejecting YOU; they are simply not ready to hire a coach (or buy your eBook, or join your group coaching, you name it) right now. However, how you handle this rejection now may indicate how your business will grow over the years.

1.  Thank your prospects for their honest feedback.

Many people shy away from giving negative feedback – but it can only help you in the long run. Don’t be afraid to ask that question ~ because how can you improve if you don’t know why you received that rejection? This is not the time to block them on social media; quite the opposite. Continue following them. Respond to their posts and comments, and show them and the world that you are available when they change their mind about coaching (or whatever it is you’re offering!).

2.  Offer a lower-priced or shorter-term coaching/program option.

If a potential prospect can’t afford your 1:1 coaching at this moment, suggest a group program, your eBook, or an online course. Help them get their foot in the door! You should have a library of products at varying price points to attract lots of different clients, no matter their economic level. If you don’t have a library yet (like a MemberVault – ask me!), encourage them to opt-in to your email list so you can stay in contact and let them know when you have new products added. *And make sure you’re actively emailing, friends! 

3.  Be consistent in your marketing efforts.

Don’t throw in the towel simply because your sales have slowed down. Instead, do the opposite: find new ways to reach your target market. Be proactive with making offers to your email list. Post more frequently on social media to increase your visibility (I have a course for that!!). Take advantage of real-life networking events to meet local business owners. It’s tough to build a business from the shadows, so make a determined effort to come into the spotlight and toot your own horn. Nobody’s going to toot it for you, sis. You are your own CEO and your very best salesperson!

Most importantly, have a follow-up plan for anyone who has turned down your coaching or program. Maybe the timing isn’t right. Perhaps they need to grow their own business before hiring you. Maybe they need to handle some family expenses before focusing on their business. You just never know when the timing will become right, so always find a way to follow up or stay in touch. Always. ~ Because you just may be surprised when they circle back around and need your services!

Also, ask for referrals. The timing may not be right for her – but maybe she knows someone in her circle who would be your dream client. ALWAYS ask for the referral! 

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Diane Cunningham Ellis, M.Ed. is a “renaissance woman” who lives with her heart on her sleeve and a permanent smile on her face. She is a creativity coach, a pied piper of people, a woman of vulnerability, and a passionate heart artist. Diane is a “business therapist,” plane crash survivor, author, consultant, speaker, marathon runner, and fun friend. She has a Master’s Degree in Education (Guidance and Counseling) as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Communications. Diane is the author of ten books, four of which are Amazon Bestsellers, including The Inspired Business Toolkit and the Rock Bottom is a Beautiful Place Book Series. She is the Founder of the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs® and served as President for seven years (2010-2017). She currently lives in the Dallas, Texas area and is happily married to Jim, her very own Private Investigator.

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