Note: you will be uncomfortable when you do new things.
You will survive, learn and grow.
The next time you do “the thing”….it will not be totally NEW.
You will get better if you practice “the thing”.
You will NOT be a master at “the thing” after one time or 10 times or even longer.
You will make a million mistakes.
People you love will think you are insane and try to talk you out of “the things” and suggest you get back over to the safe shore (job, relationship, location, etc).
They don’t want to lose you over on Safe Island.
It makes them question why they are living there.
But that is about them….. you are doing your new “thing” and you must keep going if that is where you have been called!~~~
I wrote this 4 years ago. In 2017. Still true.
What new thing are you doing? Trying? Exploring?
I hope you are uncomfortable. I sure am!
Don’t forget… what comes easy to me might be hard for you… and vise versa. Maybe it looks easy since I am been practicing it for 10 years, or 5 weeks or longer.